
There are no Tenure/Tenure-Track positions currently posted for the 社会工作学系. When positions become available, they will be posted here 和 on http://at93.xjiu.net/careers/

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Current Category II/Lecturer Faculty Position Postings

The 社会工作学系 is currently searching for multiple 社会工作讲师, 三名主要负责社会工作硕士课程的教学,一名主要负责社会工作理学学士课程的教学.

有兴趣加入皇冠官网网站的团队? 注册以获得通知 当新的教员职位被列出时!


Applications for affiliate positions are collected year-round 和 retained.  When classes are available 和 a new affiliate is needed, 该部门将审查所有候选人,并联系最合格的个人.  所有申请人可能不会被联系,但当职位空缺时,所有申请都会被审查. For full version of job descriptions, 和 to apply, visit the links in the drop downs below.



There are no administrative positions currently posted for the 社会工作学系. When positions become available, they will be posted here 和 on http://at93.xjiu.net/careers/


For current student employment opportunities, please visit our 学生就业 页面.