The DILS Program

The Directed Independent Language Studies (DILS) 该项目适合那些想要学习一门不太常用的语言的自我激励的密歇根州立大学丹佛分校学生, not currently offered at MSU Denver, with partners who speak the language in independent study sessions. The goals for learning the target language are personalized, 辅导课程主要围绕积极的对话交流来组织.

Program Highlights

Two hands shaking

Open for all MSU Denver Students

如果你有兴趣学习一门目前在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校没有教授的语言(西班牙语), Japanese, French, German, Italian, or Chinese), this program is for you.


Free to all MSU Denver students

What does that mean? 在最基本的形式下,这个项目不授予学分,因此是免费的.

Pen Writing

Independent Study Eligible

虽然通常不含学分,但学生可以获得独立学习学分. Contact the DILS Coordinator to learn more.

Learner Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be self-motivated and capable of studying independently.
  • Must be in good academic standing.
  • Must have completed at least one semester at MSU Denver.
  • 必须每周花2个小时和教练一起学习,每周至少花2个小时自学, and take a midterm and a final examination.
  • 必须在学期开始时参加培训并签署学习者合同吗.
  • Must complete an exit questionnaire online.
  • Must set own goals for studying the language, for example: during international travel, study abroad, 在国外实地工作或与来自世界各地的人建立跨文化和国际关系

Additional Information

MSU Denver Department of World Languages 提供可借阅的教材和校园语言实验室使用的材料.

Want to become a Language Partner/Coach? Here's how.

Apply for the Program


  • For fall semester: August 1
  • For spring semester: January 1

Interview: 学生将在申请截止日期后的两到四周内被告知他们的申请状态, and may at that time be invited for an interview.

Acceptance: DILS项目工作人员将研究最强应用程序的语言,以确定适当的教学材料的可用性, language partner and examiner. 学生的最终接受将取决于这些组件的可用性.


Learner Application

Language Partner/Coach Application

Want more information?

Contact the DILS Coordinator: Koko Moore 

Email Us